A night at home with an old friend. It's been a year since we've caught up. Rather than having to speak over the bru-ha-ha of a lower east side cheese plate we decided to make our own selection.
Cheese: Tomme De Savoie, Cana De Sabra, Greek Feta, Parmigiano Reggiano. Paired with salami, olives, prosciutto, chunky humus with rye and rice crackers, Riojas... dark chocolat with hazelnut prailine. Savoie was delish - complex, old world taste, slightly nutty - made with skim milk (low fat) but very rich in texture and flavor. Cabra- light and fluffy in the centre but gooey and creamy around the edges, tangy and mild. Feta and parm need no introduction, welcome always like old friends.
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